Saturday, April 19, 2014

The #last #day of my #workout #week

 My muscles are sore, wow and its wonderful. I ache a constant dull pain that is not isolated to any muscle group. I really believe that fitness and health is a constant learning curve, everyday I see, read and hear new things to research and study to see if they will help me in this journey. I find a balance of fats and protein with very low carbs work for me but maybe not for every one I don't allow my self to cheat or have alcohol because it opens up doors for just one more bad food which can quickly undo everything but eventually I'm gonna cause it will be my little treat so I don't grow weary of my task. I call it mini vacations cause if you take too long of a vacation you get nothing done and if you take no vacations you get tired and fed up . I guess its finding a balance. I worry sometimes that I make the right choices add carbs don't add carbs and so on I think I'm doing okay so far worst case with the 30 g or less carbs I can always drop carbs again. I feel like I'm shredding but every weigh in gives me that anxiety or pitted feeling in my tummy like a bad guy in a horror movie is gonna jump out as the music builds I step on the scale . The needle ticks past each number warbling back and forth and then it stops on a number . Is it better then the last or is it the same . Oh god I hope I didn't gain. Then it is so much better then I build up my self to think it was going to be, Thank god . I have six more days till it repeats lol.Well as much as I love the gym a well deserved break day and I get to sleep in my daughter won`t be home in morning . See ya tomorrow afternoon lol jk I can`t sleep in anymore.

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