Monday, April 14, 2014

One #step closer to being #sexy #beach ready getting #fit

 I'm so proud of my self I keep upping my weights once a week and the sweat and burn of my muscles are becoming more of what I want them to look like . I have tweaked each routine and set to push myself harder to get more results faster. I had to change my diet slightly cause I was getting so hungry late at night and getting head aches . I just changed because I'm atkinsing to only monitor my carbs and protein as long as my calories aren't too outrageous which seem to stay under 2000 calories anyways and most of the time around 1500 for six days of working out not too shabby , like today I'm at 800 with out dinner or rest of the day its noon and even if I have two more snacks and dinner I will be under 1800 calories . My biceps are aching with every stroke of the keys , but I feel great. I love my workout schedule because I can tweak it when I wanna ramp it up or when I want variety. I did H.I.I.T 10 secs hard 30 normal on the bike I love the sweat and the way I feel . I love the head space I'm in when I'm at the gym , the music blaring in my ears the beep of the H.I.I.T timer the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I urn for more gym time but I keep it to an hour so I always lust for the next day. I will hit my goal but I modified it slightly   May 7th I wanna be 130 lbs so we will see cause originally I wanted to be 128 lbs by the 16 th of April so I will let you know what my weigh in was on the 16th . I think I'm too far off because of the three week stall and the muscle gain. Will see , and I will keep you updated.

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