Saturday, April 26, 2014

#hittingithard at the #gym no stopping me now #sexy #fit #beach #body for #summer

    The last day of the week at the gym was fabulous I haven't sweat like that in a long time start to finish. My body drenched glistening in the gym lights running over every curve and indent of my muscles dripping on to the floor as I push harder and harder not letting up even for a second isolating each muscle till they shake in fear of another rep but that only drives me harder as if the lust for pain is calling me, pulling me in and wrapping its arms around me till I break free with a final push . My heart is racing and I am painting as I get ready to go again, the ache of my quads and shoulders are over whelming now but I go on wiping the sweat off with my towel. I watch my form in the mirror like I am mimicking the movements of someone else . It is almost erotic they was each muscle contracts under the pressure of the weights. Back and forth up and down as I perform each routine like clock work . I feel a live, and the pain keeps me alive and aware if I hurt I'm doing it right . I work through my routine shaking near the end from shear exhaustion but I must finish my ab exercises, and I stop for a moment to catch my breath and realize how hard I pushed through the work out how I was better then being defeated by the gym. If you ache you did it right . Now for a relaxing rest of the day.

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