Monday, July 21, 2014

  Okay we knew this would come up eventually. It is the elephant in the room steroid becoming to manly supplementation and what truly works. I tell you there is countless contradictions on what works what doesn't who supports who doesn't but one constant is if you as a women don't take steroid you won't look like a man ever its not in our make up and as long as you know what supplements your taking and whats in them you'll be fine no testosterone. Web md has been my go to web site to trust on what supplements are for and what side effects are cause by it and what drugs interact poorly with it. Some supplements let me tell you have side effect that are way worse then starting fires with your thighs trust me. Make sure you supplement wise and sustainable cause it is a life style choice and should be followed. Believe after reading trail and error I have found what works for ME and that is where each and everyone of you will have to tweek to fit your budget life style and goals.

        I'll tell you mine and you can adjust to your liking. I eat Quest bars for my main first meal there ar five of those brand of bars four grams of carbs and under they are my naughty indulge alone in the morning food before I hit the gym . Then I have Allmax iso flex whey protein shake after my last set at the gym is done. Delicious and nutritious, I plan and make three days worth of meals except dinner twice a week so that I don't have to scramble to find stuff and it is weighed and logged so I know what I'm getting (six delicious low carb meals). I drink three liters of water a day with lime juice and drink cayenne tea (1 tsp of cayenne squeeze of lemon or lime add green tea optional and hot water) . Now as far as pills go you don't have to be a scared just be wise don't believe everything you read unless its facebook jk . I take very specific pills to create thermogentic burning during work outs to aid in my success . I take what I call a stack CLA Femme, green tea, and l-carnitine liquid then vitamin c, milk thistle, effedrine and caffeine in the morning if followed correctly is completely safe but I'm not a doctor and I can't advise you to take any of these its comes back to choice that oyu make on your own. After my work out I take CLA Femme, effedrine , caffenine , B100 complex, multi vitamin and los of water. It works for me but I can't stress enough for you to talk to your family doctor before taking any supplements like I did. Most important thing on this fitness journey is that your safe and healthy cause unsafe and unhealthy method will lead to eventual
may 2012

july 2014
failure and health problems. So always read and always talk to a physician about thing that could effect your health. Now were talking crushing that elephant and on the way to driving out those bat wings under your arms and the sugar glider thighs so you can be bikini ready or just fit that little black dress.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#gym #sexy #results all paying off #beach #ready see #pics @fuddenstadden

March 11 th 2014

April 17 th 2014 

April 28th 2014

may 27 th 2014

June 23 rd 2014

TODAY JULY 16 TH 2014 :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

#gym #fitness #fit #sexy #bikini #summer #body #beach #ready @fuddenstadden

      Everybody has abs. The bad news is that you can do a million crunches a day but never get a six pack. So cruel eh? The gym never seems fair like its a twisted game where the rules change constantly. Six pack abs and sexy waist do come from a combination of thing including crunches, but more importantly diet and cardio. Everyone of us has a six pack of different intensities but that layer of fat over it that all women have covers it like a blanket and the only way to beat it is to do cardio and eat clean and healthy.I know it seems cruel and harsh but doing crunches alone with no cardio and poor eating habits will push out your fay and give you a gut (sad face). I find H.I.I.T to be very effective and shedding that fat layer off of my abs . Goal to wash my clothes on my abs jk. I do 15 mins of H.I.I.T at 170rmp and a rough distance of 8 miles six days a week, eat weighed out portions, and do 288 crunches a day six days a week totaling 1152 crunches a week . Once you have dedicated your self to the gym this is a breeze and you will be addicted. Monday and Wednesday I do my main abs and Tuesday Thursday I do my obliques so they get some rest but get pushed hard.The results drive me. I know when your doing them you will be hating life thinking is this worth it but it is my abs look great and when put on the bikini I wanna flaunt them . When I first started crunches planking and such I remember not being able to sneeze or cough with out a tear forming . And just for the record what drove me was a little old lady in her eighties doing crunches in a vodka shirt not breaking a sweat mean while I'm panting and sweating . I know a vodka shirt. She is an inspiration cause she makes it look easy and just shy of drinking a martini while she does it. I don't have a hard core six pack yet but I'm sure the vodka lady does ugh.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

#hot #bikini #journey #beach #body #ready @fuddenstadden

   I always found listening to music during H.I.I.T was a great way to keep my breathing steady and on pace as well as making me work harder and faster on the treadmill. I listen to house music , trance, dub step, hip hop, rock, rap you name I listen to it if I can sing with it even better. I love lip syncing the lyrics it keeps my breathing at a great pace. I get a lot of weird looks but I don't care I'm getting shredded and focusing on me . I love singing ad being happy all the time it pumps up my workout and gets me motivated . I sometimes even dance a little when I forget that everyone can see me and I'm not invisible, but at least I make everyone smile a little and that's pretty amazing when you can brighten up some ones day at the gym. I find the more pumped I am the more pumped my gym partner is and that helps motivate both of us .

   I treat the gym like a job I love of course but a job non the less . If I would go to work then I can go to the gym and I haven't missed a day yet there is no excuses. Excuses are a weak persons attempt to justify being lazy. Flu or cold if you would go to work with it you go to the gym and swat it out . If you hit the sauce the night before shame on you your gonna pay and you have to at least make an attempt to do your entire work out whether you feel like it or not and that is a lesson well learnt that I'm sure you will only do once or twice cause sweating booze out your pores and being weak and tired sucks when your lifting weights and doing cardio. I think the being on your period is a tough rung cause its not self inflicted and god does it make you bloated and hormonal. Having a cry on the tread mill alias makes you look like a freak . I get so grumpy when I lay eggs lol . I don't want to be talked to or suggested things completely irrational when I am bleeding from my crotch . Guys don't understand that when you have your period and you try to do common everyday things it can make you cry or very angry (or both) lol. I always refer to it as laying my eggs like some sort of crazy chicken. And I justify my moodiness by saying things like don't they know I'm bleeding from my vagina god you would be grump and moody too if you were losing blood and still had to do everyday activities. Imagine a guy with it. It would be the end they lay in bed and yell for us to help them that they were dying and to promise to tell his family he was strong at the end. So if we are a little unstable while functioning then I say hats off to us cause we got out of bed. I work out while laying eggs cause it take my mind off of it but I do honestly feel like crying and yelling at people so I sweat a little harder while rying to bottle up my emotions.

   I like working out with a buddy and alone cause both have there benefits and draw backs. Working out alone you put on your head phones and go your there a lot less time cause there is no chitty chatty (unless you talk to yourself which is sometimes my best conversation). You have no one to cheer you on or help keep track of reps and sets which on some days is a challenge in itself lol. Working with a buddy allows for gossip catch up , some one to forget how many reps and sets you have done but allows human contact which can increase endorphin's which make you burn faster and better. I'm always there longer when I have a buddy with me but it gives me a reason to push harder and motivate each other. I find as I go I learn  not to correct her constantly but to encourage her in the right direction and let her decide what works best for her cause lord knows I am not always right and everybody is different . I love surprising her with neew more challenging work outs which if I didn't have a partner would be pretty difficult to surprise my self. I love teaching as well I feel good motivating some one and helping them achieve

their goals. The mirror reflection is my reward.

Friday, July 4, 2014

#hot #funny #stories of the #body

 I always new that working out would lead to happiness both from social contact and from being able laugh at ones self . I love the fact that us as a whole ladies that is can judge every body part big or small. We all do it wheter we realize or not . I think the first realization how much I critique my body was when I went out to coffee with my girlfriend and when she left I waved goodbye only to notice the jello jiggle of my triceps. Omg some one could get hurt so I lovingly refer to them as bat wings,cause I'm sure if I could flap my arms fast enough I could fly. Its terrible I can't take my eyes off of them when I pull back my hair or wave good bye to some one. Its like a car crash I can't help but stare. I have dedicated two days of my six day work out to focus on that body part so I can start waving good bye to my friends again (who probably think I'm just being rude ) and so I can put my hair up again. The other arch nemesis is the dread inner thighs (sugar gliders) which along with the bat wings I'm pretty sure I could glide from tree to tree lol. I have three days, half my work out week to focus on becoming more areo dynamic. I have worked and worked and done countless reps of excercises but those sugarglider and bat wings don't wanna disappear easily it took 3 months of focusing on them to decrease them and they still could use some work. Always remember other people see you the way you really look and you seem to only notice your flaws. LOve your self for what you have and not hate your self for what you don't have. IN fat things that you hate about your self might be what others love. MY girlfriend posted a scientific study about inner thighs that said basically the wider the gap between your legs the looser you were and it was genetics which can't be fixed by working out, and the closer the gap wellI'm sure you figured out where I'm going with that. So maybe we need to look at our selves in a better light cause if that study is true I'm shocked a baby could come out of there lol.  Beauty is subjective and every women is beautiful in her own way. If we all looked the same and had the same body shape then there would be no beauty because I think beauty is a lot of things including individuality.                                                                                                        

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

#epic cheat day which has help me get #leaner then ever @fuddenstadden

Epic Faturday I know right I think it says it all . My very first cheat day happened after was after three months of strict dieting and never missing a gym day hard core or insane. So you can only imagine what it was like, I wanted everything and anything I could put in my mouth like a rabid animal. I knew I couldn't start till Saturday morning so you know I wasn't gonna sleep good. Bing like a light switch I was up at four am eating Oreos while taking my morning pee to my husbands disgust and my retort was epic faturday has begun and back to bed I went only to wake up at seven and have a n oreo breakfast with a side of rice crispy square okay a box of oreos with a side of five rice crispy square and the rest of the Oreo in to my back pack for the end of my work out . I have pics of me eating oreos on the weight bench I know gross right but I don't care . It was my birthday weekend so you know I was gonna binge so I had to work which means the were cutting into my binge fun or so I thought when I got there my porcupine ( friend who is grumpy that's why I call him porcupine much more fun to look at then play with lol) had mad me the biggest oreo I have ever seen it was two feet across and was accompanied by an energy drink... epic. I pretty sure I ate at least forty five dollars in oreos alone not to mention the beef dip and poutine and more oreos and I ate like a dog till I was sick what is wrong with me it was like Halloween as a kid where you have to eat all your candy on one day. I was so sick like nothing I have ever experience before My healthy body became playland or some sort of amusement park for food I wanted to throw up but couldn't I was so high on sugar my one eye was twitching and I'm pretty sure I was blind in one eye for ten minutes.What I didn't account for was my tolerance for sugar carbs booze or anything I ate. So when I got off work I drank beer and low and behold I was wasted like a young girl at her first house party passing out face down on the table where I sat after two beers.y husband said I was singing and demanding he put out omg I was an animal something out of a drunken comedy or sitcom. I was a crazy women release on a day pass believe I thought I was sexy but I think maybe I was more like a reincarnated dish rag that could talk . So sexy how could he resist the make up all over my face and my hair being crispy with lord knows what beer or pizza and my lack of full sentence formation in what I call drunkenness, hot right? I walk up the next day as if I had been run over by a truck which I'm pretty sure would have felt better and so dehydrated it was like I ate a bag of chalk which to be honest could of happened lol. What a day but I cured my self of that many oreos or at least till the next weekend when I did it again. Like I said I'm a glutton for punishment or stupid . But I tell you by Monday I felt like a million bucks twice as lean and more focused so it was all worth it. I tell you don't miss out on your cheat day what ever day you pick. I pick Saturday cause Sunday is my break from the gym and I work later in the afternoon in case of a rough night befalls me again. Enjoy indulge and have fun you only live once.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The #scale #foe #friend #sexy outcome

  THE SCALE my arch nemesis my guide my foe and my friend . Come on ladies we all have a love hate relationship with the scale and we have all said things like it must be inaccurate or my clothes weigh at least five pounds (what are you wearing lead pants). I know the scale has plagued me and my weigh ins are like death row sitting and waiting and eating your last meal before your big weigh in , which for me was every Tuesday morning like clock work I would go pee to shed a few extra ounces and step on it as if some one was holding a gun to me head. I would close my eyes and step on it like I was walking through a land mine field only opening one eye to see what the digital number was flashing and mocking me . And to my surprise it was almost always two pound less the week before only plateauing a few times where I tweeked my intake. Why do we torture our selves were the only one which knows the secret number on the scale, and muscle weigh more then fat so don't take the scale to serious cause water retention muscle gain and just plain old taking a poop can change that number. The scale is a strange beast that has been bred into us like an animals need to hunt. Our whole life were told and shown pictures of what beauty is and how super skinny is in. I think beauty is a package like a diet or routine at the gym. You can have an almost perfect body and no personality no jazz  or be a bitch and I think that makes you ugly. A size 0 isn't necessarily what suits everyone either there is such a thing as too skinny. Marilyn Monroe is a perfect example she was a size sixteen which is on the larger side in our society but she was a bombshell walking and strutting around with confidence changing and shaping what people thought was sexy and meeting each adversity head on. The most important thing is that your happy with your self who cares what others think break the mold stand out don't be a sheep contrast and individuality is sexy . Having curves is sexy beautiful and as long as you don't have more cottage cheese then Dairy land your gonna be fine jk . All women are sexy in there own way being a loving mother stay at home mom is sexy in a way that most women can't rock that nurturing
look and girl next door that men go crazy for or that vixen look but you never do anything close to 50 shades of crazy and the out right crazy party girl are all sexy different takes on women which once again fall in to choice that shape your life.