Monday, July 14, 2014

#gym #fitness #fit #sexy #bikini #summer #body #beach #ready @fuddenstadden

      Everybody has abs. The bad news is that you can do a million crunches a day but never get a six pack. So cruel eh? The gym never seems fair like its a twisted game where the rules change constantly. Six pack abs and sexy waist do come from a combination of thing including crunches, but more importantly diet and cardio. Everyone of us has a six pack of different intensities but that layer of fat over it that all women have covers it like a blanket and the only way to beat it is to do cardio and eat clean and healthy.I know it seems cruel and harsh but doing crunches alone with no cardio and poor eating habits will push out your fay and give you a gut (sad face). I find H.I.I.T to be very effective and shedding that fat layer off of my abs . Goal to wash my clothes on my abs jk. I do 15 mins of H.I.I.T at 170rmp and a rough distance of 8 miles six days a week, eat weighed out portions, and do 288 crunches a day six days a week totaling 1152 crunches a week . Once you have dedicated your self to the gym this is a breeze and you will be addicted. Monday and Wednesday I do my main abs and Tuesday Thursday I do my obliques so they get some rest but get pushed hard.The results drive me. I know when your doing them you will be hating life thinking is this worth it but it is my abs look great and when put on the bikini I wanna flaunt them . When I first started crunches planking and such I remember not being able to sneeze or cough with out a tear forming . And just for the record what drove me was a little old lady in her eighties doing crunches in a vodka shirt not breaking a sweat mean while I'm panting and sweating . I know a vodka shirt. She is an inspiration cause she makes it look easy and just shy of drinking a martini while she does it. I don't have a hard core six pack yet but I'm sure the vodka lady does ugh.

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