Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The #scale #foe #friend #sexy outcome

  THE SCALE my arch nemesis my guide my foe and my friend . Come on ladies we all have a love hate relationship with the scale and we have all said things like it must be inaccurate or my clothes weigh at least five pounds (what are you wearing lead pants). I know the scale has plagued me and my weigh ins are like death row sitting and waiting and eating your last meal before your big weigh in , which for me was every Tuesday morning like clock work I would go pee to shed a few extra ounces and step on it as if some one was holding a gun to me head. I would close my eyes and step on it like I was walking through a land mine field only opening one eye to see what the digital number was flashing and mocking me . And to my surprise it was almost always two pound less the week before only plateauing a few times where I tweeked my intake. Why do we torture our selves were the only one which knows the secret number on the scale, and muscle weigh more then fat so don't take the scale to serious cause water retention muscle gain and just plain old taking a poop can change that number. The scale is a strange beast that has been bred into us like an animals need to hunt. Our whole life were told and shown pictures of what beauty is and how super skinny is in. I think beauty is a package like a diet or routine at the gym. You can have an almost perfect body and no personality no jazz  or be a bitch and I think that makes you ugly. A size 0 isn't necessarily what suits everyone either there is such a thing as too skinny. Marilyn Monroe is a perfect example she was a size sixteen which is on the larger side in our society but she was a bombshell walking and strutting around with confidence changing and shaping what people thought was sexy and meeting each adversity head on. The most important thing is that your happy with your self who cares what others think break the mold stand out don't be a sheep contrast and individuality is sexy . Having curves is sexy beautiful and as long as you don't have more cottage cheese then Dairy land your gonna be fine jk . All women are sexy in there own way being a loving mother stay at home mom is sexy in a way that most women can't rock that nurturing
look and girl next door that men go crazy for or that vixen look but you never do anything close to 50 shades of crazy and the out right crazy party girl are all sexy different takes on women which once again fall in to choice that shape your life.

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