Saturday, June 28, 2014

#fun #gym #relation to what on the #mind #sexy #hot #beach #ready for summer #bikini time

 Okay I think everyone should know that being neurotic in a good way is just the ripple effect of being healthy and in shape we all say we won't be those people but we are . I mean your going to the gym and weighing food what would you call it. I spend more time in the gym and weigh food then I have done anything else in my life other then live and smoke which I don't do any more smoke that is I live still lol . I have embrace being neurotic because its me It makes me who I am and it guides me through my life like a gps of funniest. I know my husband will be the first to attest to my behavior I ask hi daily have I gained weight and does this make me look fat . He never answers cause no matter what he says I'll crucify him for it and we all say we won't but deep down inside we are like asshole what do you do for me to look hot. I also have names for all my body parts I have to work on as you may have or not noticed already I call that dreadful skin under the arm when you wave bat wings so gross and every time you wave it giggles for a couple seconds like your shaking a plate of jello and my thighs are sugar gliders as if I jumped off a building between my thighs and arms I could glide from building to building catching up drafts. Go so gross. I call my waist my muffin top and my legs are the stump there is nothing sexy about looking like your wearing you teenage daughters clothes come on. Nobody wants more cottage cheese then dairy land and the only way to burn fat from select areas is to cut it from everywhere and then add muscle a cruel joke . I think everyone wants to be appealing to the majority of the population cause they have told us girl like Megan Fox and Angeina JOlie and etc. are what sexy is but were all different and setting those goals are ridiculous and setting your self up for failure. Be you and love it . I ts the thing I told you about love yourself for what you are and not hate yourself for what your not. Scars from life experiences are gold amazing reflections on your life experiences embrace them we are amazing cause we create life and the go on with out lying down and dying . While some men get a cold and are sighing there will and last testament lol.

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