Monday, June 23, 2014

#sexy #hot #body #ready for #summer no stopping me now @fuddenstadden

 Everyday I wake up and take a long look in the mirror and can actually say I'm proud of myself , my journey wasn't easy nor was it all fun . I work out six days a week for 2 hours a day never missing a day no matter what . To most people it is silly or crazy and they think that one cheeseburger or a bag of chips won't hurt but I'm very strict because I chose a life style that requires it and I committed to it. I don't take commitments lightly . I allow my self a cheat day once a week and that's it no more no less. MY cheat day I can eat and drink what I want and the rest of the week I weight and portion my food so I know exactly how many carbs and how many grams of protein are in each of my six meals and I keep it too a strict no more then 130 grams in protein and I carb cycle up and down for three days and on the fourth I spike it up to 50 grams of carbs . While cycling I vary from 25-35 grams of carbs. NO bread but lots of green veg bran flax greek yogurt cottage cheese all carefully planned out in to portions and weights . I never bend on this even if it is easier to have something from a corner store or fast food I don't I know how quick weight is gained back and how fast my hard work can be undone. I love the way I feel and the way I look fitting into small clothes . I fit a 1/2 or 3/4 depending on the manufacturer I weigh about 125lbs, my bmi is 22.3 and my percent of body fat is 23 percent . I'm the leanest \i have ever been I think, I'm so proud and my hard work is paying off the proof is in the pudding . I love it.

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