Thursday, April 3, 2014

#Back and #Biceps #fitness #hot #body

 Good Afternoon all today was amazing worked my arms (biceps) and back . I'm so proud cause after my interval training on the elliptical trainer I upped all my weight lifting by five pounds. My back extensions now with 10lbs in my arms, bent over row to 20 lbs , seated rows still at 5lbs per hand , dumbell pull overs 10lbs
did the full 25 pull ups and hammer and reverse hammer up to 20 lbs each 4 set of 10 reps I'm so happy with my progress my muscles feel alive and full of energy. I fine tuned my diet to a modified south beach atkins phase two diet keeping my carbs under 25 for now slowly adding back add fruit and nuts pushing my protein to 120 -160 g per day and my calories to 1200-1300 while working out 6 days a week is strict but necessary to hit my goals and never eating after six and drinking tons of water and green tea no pop no coffee no alcohol . My drive is my body and my motivation is looking in the mirror and seeing my muscle definition my diet is strict and once I hit my goal I might allow myself cheat days for carbs but will see my goals are all obtainable and manageable but I have to work hard at it. Some one told me once that how long it took to get out of shape double it to get back in shape lol. I got a bit of a road ahead of me but I can do it pounds aren't melting off but inches are so I'm so excited . Join me tomorrow for more of my journey thoughts and how my new diet is coming along.

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