Thursday, May 1, 2014

trucking along in my #journey to #total #healthy #body and #mind through #fitness. @fuddstadden

 Another gorgeous day out. I'm doing my warm up by walking to the gym, it was so relaxing so stress free . I find myself so relaxed, and not as easily worked up . I'm finding the gym cleanses my mind. I feel alive and full of energy. I hanged up my hit to 30/30 so crazy but I feel amazing afterwards pumped ready to lift weights. I worked my back and biceps I found that I'm pushing harder now and sweating like a Homer Simpson in a doughnut shop. My muscles ache and the next day I can feel the burn still so I think it means I'm doing it right lol. I can see the muscle definition coming in and I love it. I wanna be so tight for summer. My body feels healthier cause I eat very healthy and six small meals a day two shakes ,and a protein bar and three protein and and veggie meals never eating after nine nine thirty the very latest thus burning everything before and during the night, so the by the time I wake up my bod is ready to start again . I also only drink water and green tea never and pop or juice . I drink 3l of water a day and always make sure I take a multi vitamin, vitamin b100 and vitamin c to ensure on top of the two shakes and bar which have tons of supplement and nutrients that I'm keeping my self healthy which is very important to me in this journey . Healthy weight loss is the only way to do it because to maintain healthy life style and keep the weight off  you need a healthy balance of fitness and diet of protein and lower carbs healthy fats and so on . So eat  clean and work out hard it pays off.

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