Sunday, May 11, 2014

#Sunday #break #day getting closer to #summer lets get #sexy #beach #body #ready @fuddenstadden

 Good morning everyone and happy mother's day to those who are mothers . Its gorgeous  out and I sit and relax on my break day . Its nice to have a day off  and to relax but I miss the gym its like a mission a quest you might even say and I'm ready to carry on to the next part of it. I have to say persistence and drive are paying off  , I can see that my clothes are getting baggier and my excess  skin diminishing .  I woke up this morning and saw my wist ad how  small they were and realized how far I have come on my journey and wow is all I can say . Its funny how  no one wants to tell you have gained weight , but once you lose some weight and focus you realize how you really need to stay on top  of it and how much I gained with out realizing and the only way you can tell other then the scale is in pictures  . My progress is huge and I owe it all to my family who encouraged me all the way . I  think along with drive, will power and a great meal and work out plan  you  need support of family and or friends . So never give up and keep trucking.

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