Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#Tuesday back to #normal #pushing #hard at the #gym getting #summer ready @fuddenstadden

  I had the most amazing sleep last night and as the morning light shone through the cracks of my curtains I stirred beneath my warm sheets my bed caressing me in to it as if it was begging me not to go pulling me in to it with a gentle force . I pull away from my sheets as if I'm breaking free from the beds control I slip out of the bed the sheet sliding over my body and falling flat on to the bed . I slide my clothes over my curves on to the floor in to a neat pile. I open my drawer and pull out my crisp clean workout clothes and pull them on over my tanned skin. I brush my hair back into a tight pony tail each strand taunt tugging on my roots like some sort of fore play. My sneaker slide over my toes molding to my feets curves and I'm pumped to start my day. I make my morning shake and and drink it back I wipe mouth and feel a sense of satisfaction consumes me and even though I'm still a little sick I know I must go to the gym. I do 20/30 H.I.I.T. and i become one with the elliptical machine my thighs and calves contracting tightening with every push and step. My heart beats faster as the beeps from the timer tell me I have to pump harder and faster till my muscles can't take anymore. Sweat pools on my forehead dripping down my body to floor in different pathways like little rivers pooling in every indent till it hits the floor . I pat my body dry with my towel standing in front of the fan trying to get my breath and cool down a little. The weights are calling me beckoning to come play. I walk up to the weights and grab hold of a barbell with authority placing on the floor in front of me preparing to dominate it . I own this so I go through each rep and set with perfect form until my muscles are shaking . I feel alive and in control I am dominating this work out and I finish up with my body dips so exhausted where I can't give anymore I have delved out all the punishment to my body I could give or take . I conquered now to rest my muscles and fuel up for the next session.

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