Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#Hump #day just another #day getting #ripped for #summer @fuddenstadden #sexy #body

  Its morning and the piercing beep of the alarm clock jolts me awake . I stretch my body out so far and wiggle my toes . I lay there knowing it is that day weigh in day. Ugh I hope and try to think positive like if its the same weight maybe I'm burning inches. And if next week weight is the same I have to drop back to induction which means no berries no nuts no cottage cheese no fun :( . I slip all my clothes off as I do every time I weigh my self as  if the thin micro pjs I have on will effect my weight drastically lol I step one foot at time on to the sale cringing and closing my eyes while lifting my breast as little hoping to see the number 59 kgs at least as I open one eye to peak like it will give me better news then opening both eyes at the same time. I see the number 60 even . I haven't lost I haven't gained I've stayed the same . I feel though I am a little smaller maybe more toned but I don't know. As my naked body steps off the sale slightly slumped with am sigh I tell my self that its okay inches count too and to keep trucking. I slip on a black workout outfit to feel slim and maybe even to describe my sadness because I stayed the same weight. I finish getting ready for the gym in my usual ritual manner shake headphone drive gym . I do my regular Wednesday work out but I feel my right hamstring ache I know its injured very slightly so I do only three sets of my lunges and at the end I kick my self for not pushing forward with the last set so I make my self go back and finish it I am my own personal trainer never allowing myself to quit. I don't need someone to tell me I an do better cause I know that already and I'm my worst critic . So I did it it despite my cold and my hamstring ache I can do anything.

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