Saturday, October 11, 2014

   Like most people I was in denial, I mean in my eyes I was looking pretty good even though in the back of your head you know you gained and all your friends as good as they are won't tell you, you gained. Maybe to spare your feelings maybe no back bone who knows . I know that you don't need a friend to tell gained, your favorite pair of pants don't fit, and let's be honest they don't fit for one reason only not because they shrunk in the dryer. Its cause you gained and the cruelty of it all is its all in the face, the stomach and the ass. Not far but just a fact of life. My favorite pair of pants didn't fit and I sold myself every reason under the sun like they were always tight, or they are fresh out of the dryer and so on. I knew I had gained and the only way to fix it was to face it I gained weight, a lot of weight . I had to face it head on and make some changes. If I wanted to return to my former size I had to decide that now was the time to change. So I decided that I had to start with getting some exercise a lot easier said then done.

       I went the first local gym with a free pass and when I got there, there were people who looked like body builders and fitness models and I though jeez how will I ever get to look like that . I asked for my free pass and all of a sudden I was in an office signing up for trainers, body assessments and unrealistic fitness packages. I just wanted to try the gym out not commit to become a fitness model or body builder. So my first experience was undesirable. I left with a bad taste in my mouth and scared to step foot in another gym. I didn't want to be called out or noticed I wanted to blend in and maybe shred some fat of my ass. I didn't want a dating service where I had to wear make up to the gym.

     Next I tried an all ladies gym which when I walked in it was mixed ages and felt like home. I knew this was the gym for me. I hoped my first meeting with the lady at the gym would be different then the other gym and it was. Thank god she asked what I wanted and what my goals were and asked how she could help me. I felt like this was going to be great. I signed up thinking I only had a few pounds to lose and could watch TV do light cardio and get in shape. I was wrong it wasn't like on TV lol you had to get sweaty and give an honest effort. So I thought I better give it a real go. I got on the stair climber thinking I have stairs in my apartment I take them when the elevator is broken this would be a good place to start. Wow I was wrong as I got about five minutes into it I was panting and sweaty and unable to form words while the eighty-six year old women beside me watched her soap opera and glanced through a magazine. What the heck how is some one three times my age killing it and I'm being killed . This was proving to be a lot more difficult then expected.

Now you know how I felt when I first started the gym and how hard it was to get to where I am . I will add more as I go along about my journey to today

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